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synced 2025-03-14 16:01:44 +08:00
102 lines
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Executable File
102 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File
sign-success: Signed successfully. You got :score scores.
announcement: Announcement
no-unread: No new notifications.
disabled: Email verification is not available.
frequent-mail: You click the send button too fast. Wait for 60 secs, guy.
verified: Your account is already verified.
success: Verification link was sent, please check your inbox.
failed: We failed to send you the verification link. Detailed message :msg
title: Verify Your Account on :sitename
message: You are receiving this email because someone registered an account with this email address on :sitename.
reset: 'Click here to verify your account: <a href=":url">:url</a>'
ignore: If you did not register an account, no further action is required.
title: What is score?
introduction: |
We use score system to prevent the behaviors like uplaoding huge amount of textures and registering players casually.
Either adding players, uplaoding textures or adding a skinlib item to your closet will consume scores.
New users will get :initial_score scores initially, and you can acquire :score-from ~ :score-to scores by daily signing in.
will-return-score: The score will be returned if you deleted players, uploaded textures or closet items.
no-return-score: The score will NOT be returned if you deleted players, uploaded textures or closet items.
storage: ':score scores = 1 KB storage'
player: ':score scores = 1 player'
closet: ':score socres = 1 closet item'
success: Added :name to closet successfully.
repeated: You have already added this texture.
not-found: We cannot find this texture.
lack-score: You don't have enough score to add it to closet.
success: The item is successfully renamed to :name
success: The texture was removed from closet successfully.
non-existent: The texture does not exist in your closet.
login-notice: Now you can log in with player names you owned instead email address.
official: Player name may only contains letters, numbers and underscores.
cjk: Player name may contains letters, numbers, underscores and CJK Unified Ideographs.
utf8: Player name must be a UTF-8 string.
custom: Custom player name rules are applied on this site. Please contact admins for further information.
player-name-length: The player name should be at least :min characters and not greater than :max characters.
repeated: The player name is already registered.
lack-score: You don't have enough score to add a player.
success: Player :name was added successfully.
success: Player :name was deleted successfully.
repeated: This player name is occupied. Please choose another one.
success: Player :old was renamed to :new
success: The texture was applied to player :name successfully.
success: The textures of player :name was resetted successfully.
title: Change Avatar?
notice: Click the gear icon "<i class="fa fa-cog"></i>" of any skin in your closet, then click "Set as avatar". We will cut the head segment of that skin for you. If there is no icon like this, please try to disable your ADs blocking extension.
wrong-type: You can't set a cape as avatar.
success: New avatar was set successfully.
reset: Reset Avatar
title: Change Password
old: Old Password
new: New Password
confirm: Repeat Password
button: Change password
wrong-password: Wrong original password.
success: Password updated successfully, please log in again.
title: Change Nickname
empty: No nickname is set now.
success: Nickname is successfully updated to :nickname
title: Change Email
new: New Email
password: Current Password
button: Change email
wrong-password: Wrong password.
existed: This email address is occupied.
success: Email address updated successfully, please log in again.
title: Delete Account
notice: Sure to delete your account on :site?
admin: Admin account can not be deleted.
button: Delete my account
modal-title: You need to enter your password to continue
modal-notice: |
You're about to delete your account.
This is permanent! No backups, no restores, no magic undo button.
We warned you, ok?
password: Current Password
wrong-password: Wrong password.
success: Your account is deleted successfully.