--- index: total-users: 등록된 사용자 total-players: 플레이어 total-textures: 택스쳐 업로드됨 disk-usage: 디스크 사용량 overview: 개요(Overview) texture-uploads: 택스쳐 업로드 user-registration: 사용자 등록 notifications: send: title: 알림 보내기 success: 성공적으로 전송되었습니다! receiver: title: 받는 수량 all: 모든 사용자 normal: 일반 유저 uid: 지정된 UID email: 지정된 이메일 title: 제목 content: 내용(Markdown 지원) users: operations: non-existent: 그런 사용자가 없습니다. no-permission: 권한이 없습니다. email: success: 성공적으로 이메일 주소가 변경되었습니다 verification: success: Account verification status toggled successfully. nickname: success: 닉네임이 성공적으로 변경되었습니다. password: success: 비밀번호 변경에 성공했습니다 score: success: 수정 성공 permission: 권한이 업데이트 되었습니다! delete: success: 계정이 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다. players: no-permission: 이 사용자을 설정하는 권한이 없습니다. textures: non-existent: 텍스처 tid.:tid 가 존재하지 않음 success: The textures of :player has been updated. name: success: Player name has been updated to :player owner: success: The player :player was transferred to user :user. delete: success: 플레이어를 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다. customize: change-color: title: 태마 색상변경 colors: navbar: 탑 내비게이션 바 sidebar: dark: 사이드바 (다크) light: 사이드바 (라이트) i18n: add: Add New Language Line added: Language line added. updated: Language line updated. deleted: Language line deleted. group: 그룹 key: 키 text: 텍스트 tip: 본 패이지의 사용 방법 status: info: 정보 health: 상태 bs: name: Blessing Skin version: 버전 env: 앱플리케이션 환경 debug: Debugging or Not? commit: 재출 laravel: Laravel 버전 server: name: 서버 php: PHP 버전 web: 웹 서버 소프트웨어 os: 운영 체제 db: name: 데이터베이스 type: 서버 host: 호스트 port: 포트 username: 사용자명 database: 데이터베이스 prefix: 테이블 접두사 plugins: 활성화된 플러그인 수 (:amount) plugins: readme: Read Me operations: title: 동작 enabled: 플러그인이 활성화되었습니다. unsatisfied: notice: There are conflicts or unsatisfied dependencies in the plugin, therefore we can't enable it. Please install or update the plugins listed below, and disable those have conflicts. disabled: '":name" 플러그인을 활성화 상태가 안닙니다' version: '":title" 의 버전이 ":constraint"에 비준수합니다' conflict: '":title" 플러그인와 본 플러그인이 동시에 사용할수없음.' disabled: 플러그인이 비활성화되었습니다. deleted: 플러그인이 삭제되었습니다. no-config-notice: 플러그인이 설정패이지를 재공하지않음 또는 설치하지않음 no-readme-notice: The plugin doesn't contain a readme file. not-found: No such plugin. market: unresolved: There are conflicts or unsatisfied dependencies in the plugin, therefore we can't download it. Please install or update the plugins listed below, and disable those have conflicts. connection-error: Unable to connect to the plugins registry. :error non-existent: The plugin :plugin does not exist. install-success: Plugin was installed. update: complete: Update completed info: title: Update Information up-to-date: Already up-to-date. available: New version available. versions: latest: "Latest Version:" current: "Current Version:" check-github: Check GitHub Releases button: Update Now cautions: title: Cautions link: check out this. text: | Please choose update source according to your host's network environment. Low-speed connection between update source and your host will cause long-time loading at checking and downloading page. To change the default update source, errors: connection: "Unable to access to current update source. Details: :error" spec: Current update source is not supported. php: Your PHP version is too low to update. Requires :version or later. download: errors: download: 'Failed to download. Error: :error' shasum: File validation failed. Please download again. unzip: Failed to unpack files. invalid-action: Invalid action