--- index: total-users: 登録ユーザー数 total-players: プレイヤー数 total-textures: 登録したスキン数 disk-usage: ディスク使用量 overview: 概要 texture-uploads: スキンのアップロード user-registration: ユーザー登録 notifications: send: title: 通知を送信 success: 送信に成功しました. receiver: title: 受信者 all: 全てのユーザ normal: 一般ユーザー uid: UIDを指定 email: メールアドレスを指定 title: トップ content: コンテンツ (Markdown サポート されて いませ) users: operations: non-existent: ユーザーが存在しません。 no-permission: このユーザーを操作する権限がありません。 email: success: メールの変更が済みました。 verification: success: アカウントの確認ステータスが正常に切り替わりました。 nickname: success: ニックネームの変更が済みました。 password: success: パスワードの変更が済みました。 score: success: スコアの変更が済みました。 permission: アクセス許可が更新されました。 delete: success: The account has been deleted successfully. players: no-permission: You have no permission to operate this player. textures: non-existent: No such texture tid.:tid success: The textures of :player has been updated. name: success: Player name has been updated to :player owner: success: The player :player was transferred to user :user. delete: success: The player has been deleted successfully. customize: change-color: title: Change Theme Color colors: navbar: Top Navigation Bar sidebar: dark: Sidebar (Dark) light: Sidebar (Light) i18n: add: Add New Language Line added: Language line added. updated: Language line updated. deleted: Language line deleted. group: グループ key: 鍵 text: テキスト tip: How can I use this page? status: info: Information health: Health bs: name: Blessing Skin version: バージョン env: Application Environment debug: Debugging or Not? commit: Commit laravel: Laravel Version server: name: サーバー php: PHP バージョン web: Web サーバーソフトウェア os: オペレーティングシステム db: name: データベース type: サーバー host: ホスト port: ポート username: Username database: Database prefix: Table Prefix plugins: Enabled Plugins (:amount) plugins: readme: Read Me operations: title: Operations enabled: ':plugin has been enabled.' unsatisfied: notice: There are conflicts or unsatisfied dependencies in the plugin, therefore we can't enable it. Please install or update the plugins listed below, and disable those have conflicts. disabled: 'The ":name" plugin is not enabled.' version: 'The version of ":title" does not satisfies the constraint ":constraint".' conflict: 'The ":title" plugin cannot run with this plugin at the same time.' disabled: ':plugin has been disabled.' deleted: The plugin was deleted successfully. no-config-notice: The plugin is not installed or doesn't provide a configuration page. no-readme-notice: The plugin doesn't contain a readme file. not-found: No such plugin. market: unresolved: There are conflicts or unsatisfied dependencies in the plugin, therefore we can't download it. Please install or update the plugins listed below, and disable those have conflicts. connection-error: Unable to connect to the plugins registry. :error non-existent: The plugin :plugin does not exist. install-success: Plugin was installed. update: complete: Update completed info: title: Update Information up-to-date: Already up-to-date. available: New version available. versions: latest: "Latest Version:" current: "Current Version:" check-github: Check GitHub Releases button: Update Now cautions: title: Cautions link: check out this. text: | Please choose update source according to your host's network environment. Low-speed connection between update source and your host will cause long-time loading at checking and downloading page. To change the default update source, errors: connection: "Unable to access to current update source. Details: :error" spec: Current update source is not supported. php: Your PHP version is too low to update. Requires :version or later. download: errors: download: 'Failed to download. Error: :error' shasum: File validation failed. Please download again. unzip: Failed to unpack files. invalid-action: Invalid action