getUpdateInfo(); $canUpdate = $this->canUpdate(Arr::get($info, 'info')); return view('admin.update', [ 'info' => [ 'latest' => Arr::get($info, 'info.latest'), 'current' => config('app.version'), ], 'error' => Arr::get($info, 'error', $canUpdate['reason']), 'can_update' => $canUpdate['can'], ]); } public function download(Unzip $unzip, Filesystem $filesystem) { $info = $this->getUpdateInfo(); if (!$info['ok'] || !$this->canUpdate($info['info'])['can']) { return json(trans(''), 1); } $info = $info['info']; $path = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'bs'); $response = Http::withOptions([ 'sink' => $path, 'verify' => CaBundle::getSystemCaRootBundlePath(), ])->get($info['url']); if ($response->ok()) { $unzip->extract($path, base_path()); // Delete options cache. This allows us to update the version. $filesystem->delete(storage_path('options.php')); return json(trans('admin.update.complete'), 0); } else { return json(trans('', ['error' => $response->status()]), 1); } } protected function getUpdateInfo() { $response = Http::withOptions([ 'verify' => CaBundle::getSystemCaRootBundlePath(), ])->get(config('app.update_source')); if ($response->ok()) { $info = $response->json(); if (Arr::get($info, 'spec') === self::SPEC) { return ['ok' => true, 'info' => $info]; } else { return ['ok' => false, 'error' => trans('admin.update.errors.spec')]; } } else { return ['ok' => false, 'error' => 'HTTP status code: '.$response->status()]; } } protected function canUpdate($info = []) { $php = Arr::get($info, 'php'); preg_match('/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/', PHP_VERSION, $matches); $version = $matches[1]; if (Comparator::lessThan($version, $php)) { return [ 'can' => false, 'reason' => trans('admin.update.errors.php', ['version' => $php]), ]; } $can = Comparator::greaterThan(Arr::get($info, 'latest'), config('app.version')); return ['can' => $can, 'reason' => '']; } }